Monday, December 7, 2009

Girls that Game.

I was out wandering around the great world wide web, and I noticed an article about girl gamers. It was an interesting piece about the sexism that exists in gaming, how girls that game are either dragged into it kicking and screaming and would rather be shopping, or they are there to sit on the shelf and look pretty while the guy games passing a glance at her every so often.

But for me I felt that there was major category left out and that is the one of the serious girl gamer, who really does love playing games and all things tech geeky. I am one of those girls, and I know that although seemingly rare, there are others out there too, and I hope to find them.

So if you are a gamer girl in NZ then give out a big shout and say hello and tell the world what you love about gaming. Maybe there will be enough of us to get together and show the boys how it is really done eh!


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