Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ok so yeah, the thesis got put in my to do tray and there it stayed, but I will get to it....eventually :-D, but while I was out and about busy doing some other stuff, I came across this funny blog entry.

The five steps. Written by a gamer girl, and its something that would get nearly every gamer guy excited. If you want a little giggle then head over and have a little read here and you can let me know what you think if you like.


Friday, December 11, 2009

So you can just imagine, here I am scanning the great WWW just browsing away just how I like to do, and I stumble across this really cool thesis written about mature women gamers, 'Gaming and Gender: Home as a Place of (Non)conformity for Women Gamers', now thats a title for sure! But one thing about it, its interesting reading.

At 155 pages long, I won't be summing up what I have read in it in one post, so I think that I might do a little series and let you know what I am thinking about what is said. Hopefully my report might just trigger inside of us ladies some sense of emotion or even just an acknowledgement that we aren't so weird after all, being girls and loving gaming.

So yeah, I will be back soon....I just have a little reading to do :-D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I have been doing this really cool thing today.... I have been smashing down walls and expanding my office space using a big hammer. Do you realize just how therapeutic it is to break something intentionally? I do now, and it was quite nice to break something that looked fairly good, create a huge mess and then find all that space underneath it all.

I am needing to have more office space to pack into it all the things I am needing for a new business venture that I am undertaking at the moment, so out came the hammer and down came the walls, oh what fun.

Made me realize though just how therapeutic gaming is for me. I have an opportunity to release spent up tension and stress in a harmless way, that the only things affected by my frustration or whatever it maybe is a few pixels dancing around on my screen, and they don't seem to mind, so after cleaning up my mess, I am going to go off and enjoy some hard earned therapy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You know your a gamer when......

It was something that I didn't have to think hard about at all, in fact it was quite easy to recognize some of the things that stands me out as a gamer.

- I would rather game as a date with my Hubby than go to a fancy restaurant.
- My kids want to buy me the latest video games as a special present for birthdays.
- I get excited if someone across a room is even remotely mentioning games.
(even if they don't know what they are talking about)
- When I hit the mall, I would rather go to a game shop than a shoe boutique.
- When everyone leaves the house, for quiet time I turn on the 360.
- I am very protective of my controller, and I am the only one allowed to use it.
- and alas many other things...

But I love my life and my hobby and wouldn't have it any other way :-D

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I was having an interesting conversation with Hubby this morning about how can we find any sense of meaning in life through gaming. It is an important topic to look at I think, as many people who game regularly walk around with some sense of deep guilt because they are a gamer (especially woman).

Some justify it by trying to get paid and earn a living from gaming, others don't even bother trying to justify it and game anyway, even to the detriment of anything actually meaningful to them. But I think that we are able to meet somewhere in the middle and not justify what we do, but actually have a real sense of true meaning and value from being a gamer.

Here is what I mean.

If you are a Mom with little kiddies nipping at your feet everyday, they would just love it if Mom took an hour, sat down on the couch with them and played one of their favorite games with them. Not to win, placate them or get the nasty chore out of the way, but to have meaningful dialogue pass between one another, those hidden and unspoken words that we say to each other but without using our mouths.

Some of those unspoken words that your child would pick up is, 'My Mom really does care about what I like and what I think' or 'I must be important to my Mom cos I know she has work to do but instead she is here doing something that I like to do' or even, 'Wow my Mom she so loves me, she takes time to play with me everyday, its awesome'.

Don't underestimate how meaningful these types of dialogues are to your kids, they help your child to grow up feeling wanted, loved and apart of something bigger than they are, and we all have a deep need and sense to belong. Those words could have implanted in them a belief, something that describes the reality of their life in the world. A meaningful belief.

There is very little difference in the meaning of say being a landscape painter or a gamer, they both tend to be something a person enjoys and spends time mastering, they are a pursuit of interest, and for some a pursuit in economy but all in all, they also can be a pursuit of meaning in life, its just about taking the time to look and find it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Girls that Game.

I was out wandering around the great world wide web, and I noticed an article about girl gamers. It was an interesting piece about the sexism that exists in gaming, how girls that game are either dragged into it kicking and screaming and would rather be shopping, or they are there to sit on the shelf and look pretty while the guy games passing a glance at her every so often.

But for me I felt that there was major category left out and that is the one of the serious girl gamer, who really does love playing games and all things tech geeky. I am one of those girls, and I know that although seemingly rare, there are others out there too, and I hope to find them.

So if you are a gamer girl in NZ then give out a big shout and say hello and tell the world what you love about gaming. Maybe there will be enough of us to get together and show the boys how it is really done eh!
